
Hi! My name is Janelle, a kinda fresh graduate and my first official big girl job was here in HYC. When I was first reached out to by a friend about a job opening here, I went into it without thinking much of it. I was nervous about going into something without having any proper experience but I think it all worked out in the end.

If I were to describe myself, I would have to say that I am a person who enjoys being comfortable. I love being in my own bubble and I don’t usually venture out of my comfort zone because I crave familiarity. Me going into this role was just the first step of many that opened my eyes to the world around me. For me, doing my job was obviously important. But it was the experience and knowledge that I have gained while working with amazing people that if I were to give you a whole run down of what I’ve learnt in my time working here this would be very long. So I’ll tell you my main takeaway.

My usual breakfast

The number one thing for me is the importance of being in an environment that motivates you. While talking with my friends and hearing all their stories about how their work sucks or how they just dread going to work is something I never understood. Don’t get me wrong, waking up is still pretty difficult for me but I will never dread going into work. Not only do I get an amazing view, I also get time to eat my avocado toast (with a breakfast set & ice lemon tea). The cherry on top for me are my colleagues. They are literally the best people you will ever meet and the joy I have working with them and seeing the world from their eyes is amazing. 

My usual breakfast

I know a lot of people will say they dread meetings because they are boring and you are just listening to stuff but our meetings are the best part of the week. When you surround yourself with people who are constantly coming up with things that inspire you there is no way meetings will be boring but i digress. I personally feel that when it comes to your own personal growth, it is important to surround yourself with people who can push you to do better.

Nice pond view next to our centre

I know it’s not always the easiest to find a group of people like that, especially if you are an introvert like me. However, the easiest way is just simply choosing to step away from negative energy. Knowing when your environment isn’t serving you, is the first step to recognising what’s good for you. From then on, go on a self discovery journey and figure out what exactly you need. Your friends may think you are the weird one for wanting to find something better but just know you are not alone.

(shoutout to our Changemakers Circle if you are interested: register here)

Nice pond view next to our centre
Team Bonding Day

I personally struggle with my own self identity. Truth be told, I always felt awe when I saw my colleagues be so true to themselves and make use of that passion to give back to the community. I felt that while working there I was receiving so much more than I was giving. I think even my colleagues who read this will be surprised or maybe they could already tell but I genuinely felt that I did not have much to offer. Seeing the people in my everyday environment be so authentic really gave me a wake up call that hey maybe it’s time to really have some introspection and think about who i am as a person. All the events that are being held at our centre is something that I really benefited from. They gave me support and love and really became such a safe space for me that I cherish so much. It’s definitely a journey for me and I am so thankful that I have such wonderful people with me.

At the end of the day. Authenticity is something that is unique to each person. Take some time to get to know yourself. There’s no rush. Just surround yourself with people who can give you that push and just living your life to the fullest one day at the time.